Gegendarstellung der UNWTO zur Berichterstattung der eTN Gruppe


Im Zuge der Berichterstattung zur Wahl den nächsten UNWTO Generalsekretärs auf den Seiten der eTN Gruppe hat uns eine Gegendarstellung der Weltorganisation für Tourismus erreicht, mit der Bitte, diese zu Veröffentlichen. Das machen wir selbstverständlich gerne.
Die Gegendarstellung übernehmen wir im Original, also in englischer Sprache.

Die UNWTO stellt zur Berichterstattung der eTN Gruppe wie folgt fest:

„In view of the various articles published by eTN in recent weeks on the process of election of a nominee for the post of Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for the period 2018-2021, UNWTO would like to state the following:

The process of election of a nominee for the post of Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for the period 2018-2021 that took place at the 105th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council on 12 May 2017 in Madrid, Spain, was conducted in full observance of the Organization’s Statutes and Rules of Procedure, including the Presentation by the Candidates, the Restrictive Private Meeting for discussion of the Candidates and the Normal Private Meeting for vote by secret ballot.

The various statements published by eTN are not only inaccurate but highly defamatory.

As per the UNWTO Statutes and Rules of Procedure, the 105th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council selected one nominee to the post of UNWTO Secretary-General (Mr Zurab Pololikashvili of Georgia). The recommendation of the Executive Council of the one nominee will be submitted to the 22nd Session of the UNWTO General Assembly for his appointment to the post of Secretary-General in accordance with Article 22 of the UNWTO Statutes.

In the name of truth and accuracy, UNWTO requests eTN to publish the above statement in its full content.
Madrid, 12 June 2017“

eTN bleibt bei den erhobenen Vorwürfen zur Wahl von Herrn Zurab Pololikashvili am 12. Mai 2017 in Madrid und wird auch weiter darüber berichten.